Help us today!
When you make a donation, you make a difference.
EthelbertChild and Youth Care Centre is a Level 1 B-BBEE Public BenefitOrganisation (PBO) that assists our beneficiaries through child care delivery and youth development efforts. Donations to our organisation are tax-deductible through the issue of Section 18A certificates according to SARS regulations. Companies who donate to Ethelbert CYCCwill not only receive B-BBEE points but also achieve points on their scorecard under the Socio-Economic Development element.
- You can sponsor a child on a monthly basis (See different sponsorship packages below ranging from R250- R1000).
- R250 (covers basic needs)
- R500 (covers educational assistance)
- R1000 (covers educational assistance and health care)
- Your own amount
- You can donate a one-off amount. (See banking details below)
- If you are donating from outside South Africa, all you need is a PayPal account.
- To become a monthly contributor, select the recurring payment option when you donate
- If you are donating from outside South Africa, all you need is a PayPal account.
Acct Name: Ethelbert Child and Youth Care Centre
Bank: FNB, Westville
Acct No.: 508 516 82937 (cheque)
Branch Code: 223526
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference DONATE [your name or your company]
Please email the proof of payment to so we can thank you for your generosity.