Who We Are

Ethelbert Child & Youth Care Centre (CYCC) is a registered non-profit and public benefits organisation (NPO & PBO) specialising in the full-time care, rehabilitation and support of vulnerable, abandoned and abused children within Kwa-Zulu Natal. As a residential place of safety, Ethelbert CYCC supports 65 beneficiaries aged 18 months to 18 years. All beneficiaries are placed in our care following a rigorous investigative process undertaken by the Department of Social Development, Department of Justice and social welfare placement agencies.

Established in 1907, Ethelbert CYCC was a memorial initiative of the Corbishley family following their son’s tragic drowning. Through the assistance of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, the Centre was built and has been servicing the greater community for over 100 years.

What We Do

The integral and most valuable objective of our work is to reunite beneficiaries with their rehabilitated parents or families. However, not all beneficiaries are able to return to their families and therefore remain in our care. It is at this juncture that our foster programme is critical in affording our children the familial experiences that they long for. Until reunification takes place, Ethelbert CYCC’s aim is ensuring all of our beneficiaries’ fundamental needs and rights are met.

These include:

A Holistic Approach to Child Care

“A child typically finds themself simultaneously enmeshed in different ecosystems, from the most intimate home ecological system moving outward to the larger school system and the most expansive system which is society and culture. Each of these systems inevitably interacts with and influence each other in every aspect of the child’s life.”


A Holistic Approach to Child Care

“A child typically finds themself simultaneously enmeshed in different ecosystems, from the most intimate home ecological system moving outward to the larger school system and the most expansive system which is society and culture. Each of these systems inevitably interacts with and influence each other in every aspect of the child’s life.”


our main goals

To render a high-quality comprehensive package of residential Child Care services that promote optimal rehabilitative and growth outcomes.

These include: